
Showing posts from September, 2012

Lost kitten

Hey girls and boys, Sunday night my 2 year old kitten Popotan escaped out a window. If you see a cat with a green flee collar then thats my cat, but i live in the highlands in ledyerd so if you live in ledyerd then please watch for my cat.

Internet is back!!!

Hey guys so the internet is back on so yea. talk about more later ok bye.

No internet

Hey guys so there is no internet and this post will be on my blog tomorrow for me but today for you. So i just wanted to tell you guys that, the mechanic will be here today for you, but tomorrow for me, so by the time you see this the mechanic will have left. ok bye, Talk to you later.


Hey guys, so yesterday was Jazz and Ballet, and i loved it, now this Friday i have modern, tap, and CDE tap, and then i go to the ice skating rink , sorry i cant spell it, but i will be going to ice skate. Don't forget to ask me questions, and comment, and tell your friends about me, thanks, bye.


Hey guys my dance just started last week and it is much better then last year this year i only have class 2 days a week so yeah me.

Sorry guys.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been righting, i've been doing school but i will post as much as i can, ok bye.